Events, meetups, and talks

Meet people in the Giving What We Can community from around the world, hear what's going on, discuss effective giving, share ideas and tips, and more!

Want to host your own event? Check out our event guides.
When (UTC)EventWhereEvent link
5 Nov at 09:30 UTCNovember Meetup (Europe/Asia)OnlineRegister
7 Nov at 18:30-19:30 CETAutumn Meetup (in Italian)OnlineRegister
2 Dec at 22:00 UTCDecember Meetup (Americas/Oceania)OnlineRegister

We've recently launched GWWC Local groups in London, NYC, Berlin, Sydney, Melbourne and Vancouver - click on a group near to see upcoming events and join a local mailing list!

You can also find other effective giving focused communities around the world, using our: Global Effective Giving Community Directory