Council on Strategic Risks — Nuclear weapons policy work

Council on Strategic Risks

Nuclear Weapons Policy

The Council on Strategic Risks’ nuclear weapons policy work seeks to analyse and address the development, diffusion, and use of strategic weapons.


What problem is the Council on Strategic Risks working on?

The Council on Strategic Risks (CSR) is dedicated to anticipating, analysing, and addressing core systemic risks to security in the 21st century, with special examination of the ways in which these risks intersect and exacerbate one another.

What does the Council on Strategic Risks do?

CSR hosts three institutes:

  1. The Janne E. Nolan Center on Strategic Weapons seeks to analyse and address the development, diffusion, and use of strategic weapons. The Nolan Center recognises that nuclear, biological, chemical, and other strategic weapons threats are rising in the international security landscape.
  2. The Center for Climate and Security is the only institution exclusively focused on the intersection of climate and security.
  3. The Converging Risks Lab examines converging, cross-sectoral risks in a rapidly changing world and develop anticipatory solutions.

Part of CSR’s founding purpose was to draw on experiences in creating and driving effective approaches to addressing complex and potentially catastrophic global risks. Its activities include analytical work, hosting Track 1.5 dialogues between government and non-governmental experts, convening key stakeholders to develop bold new policy ideas and collaborate in their implementation, and running multiple fellowships to mentor and assist emerging leaders.

In addition to its deep relationships with key decision-makers, CSR experts advance its mission by appearing in the media, writing op-eds, and producing podcasts and webinars.

The Council on Strategic Risks has shaped nuclear risk reduction efforts by influencing strategic and policy decisions, and by holding private dialogues among key stakeholders. Accomplishments in this area include getting US policy to include seeking arms control discussions with China, and successfully urging the Pentagon to end plans to develop a new nuclear sea-launched cruise missile — a weapon which heightens risks of nuclear weapons use.

CSR was founded in 2017 by Francesco Femia and Caitlin Werrell under an esteemed Board of Directors with deep experience in global security risks. It is based in Washington, DC and is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan, nonprofit organisation.

What information does Giving What We Can have about the cost-effectiveness of CSR?

The impact-focused grantmaker Longview Philanthropy has granted to CSR.

Note that we and Longview are both part of Effective Ventures — see our transparency page.

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