2024년 11월 기준

2024년에 후원할 최고의 자선단체

우리가 추천 드리는 자선단체들은 공신력 있고 매우 효과적입니니다. 이 단체들은 임팩트 중심의 자선단체 평가단에 의해 엄격하게 평가와 심사를 받고 있으며 자선단체 평가단 자체도 우리 연구팀이 조사를 실시하고 있습니다. 우리는 이 자선단체들이 가장 좋은 기부처 중 하나라고 생각합니다. 이 단체들은 기부액 천원 당 다른 평균적인 단체들에 비해 훨씬 더 큰 선한 영향력을 행사하기 때문입니다..

자선 단체 평가 기준

높은 효과성

기부액 천원 당 최대의 선을 달성하는 단체

연구 기반

실증 기반 프로그램을 운영하거나 전문가들이 매우 높은 기대 영향력을 갖는 것으로 평가하는 단체

제 3자 검증

선두적인 자선단체 평가단의 조사를 통과한 단체

자선단체 평가자

신뢰할 수 있고 투명하며 중립적인 제 3자 평가단은 우리가 추천 단체를 선정하는 데 중요한 역할을 맡고 있습니다. 우리는 평가단 선정에도 신중을 기합니다. 어느 평가단이 기부자들의 영향력을 극대화 할 수 있도록 도움을 주는지 연구합니다.

Trusted evaluators: GiveWell - EA Funds - LongView
임팩트가 큰 영역

우리가 정의하는 ‘효과적’이라는 것은

모든 자선단체가 동등한 효과를 내는 것은 아닙니다. 여러분이 어디에 기부하는가에 따라 영향력에 상당한 차이를 보이게 됩니다.

우리 연구팀은 여러분이 가장 효과적인 자선단체에 기부한다면 같은 액수로 100배 더 큰 선을 행할 수 있는 경우가 많다고 추정합니다.

이 사실에 놀라셨다고 해도 무리는 아닙니다. 많은 기부자들이 ‘좋은’ 단체와 ‘대단한’ 단체의 격차를 과소평가하는 경향이 있는데 이로 인해 많은 최고의 자선단체들이 여전히 모금에 어려움을 겪고 있습니다.

Graph of impact per dollar for different charities

효과적으로 기부하는 3단계

목표 실현 가능성이 큰 유망한 기부분야를 선택합니다

응급실에서 치료대상의 우선순위를 정하는 것처럼 우리가 언제 무슨 사업에 집중할지 정하는 것은 중요합니다. 우선순위를 정하지 않는다면 우리가 줄 수 있는 만큼의 도움을 주지 못하게 될 것입니다.

더 살펴보기

뛰어난 자선단체나 기금을 선정합니다

십만 원을 최고의 자선단체 중의 하나에 기부하는 것이 천만 원을 효과를 고려하지 않고 기부하는 것에 비해 더 큰 영향력을 불러 올 수 있습니다. 철저한 연구와 논리를 바탕으로 한 자선단체에 기부하세요.

추천 단체 보러 가기

효율적으로 기부합니다

정기적인 기부가 생각날 때 하는 기부보다 쉽습니다. 영향력이 큰 여러 사업에 동시에 자동으로 기부금이 전달되는 정기적인 맞춤형 기부 계획을 세워 동시에 자동으로 여러 고-효율 사업에 기부하세요.동시에 자동으로 기부금이 전달되는 보세요.

자선단체 보기

Best charities for global health and wellbeing (6)

Millions of people die each year from preventable and curable diseases, including approximately 15,000 children every single day. These deaths (and the considerable suffering caused by these types of disease) can be prevented with proven treatments and techniques — that’s why we’ve eradicated these diseases in higher-income countries. The organisations implementing these interventions in lower-income countries, however, are perpetually underfunded.

The best charities for global health and wellbeing tend to operate programmes with a strong evidence base behind them and a proven track record of success. They — quite literally — save and improve lives.

More options in global health and wellbeing

We don’t currently include these programmes on our recommendations list but think they may be interesting for donors to investigate further.

Effective Altruism Funds: Global Health and Development Fund
Lead Exposure Elimination Project
Family Empowerment Media
Teaching at the Right Level Africa

Best charities for animal welfare (2)

Despite widespread awareness of animal suffering, only about 3% of US charitable contributions support animals and the environment. Farmed animals are even more neglected, receiving only 0.03% of all US charitable donations. Yet farmed animals experience the overwhelming majority of human-inflicted animal suffering. They live lives filled with extreme physical and emotional distress — and in the US alone, over one million land animals are slaughtered every hour.

The best charities for animal welfare tend to operate programmes that are large in scale and tractable — they could reduce or eliminate the suffering of many, many animals through changes in policy, legislation, and consumer choices.

More options in animal welfare

We don’t currently include these programmes on our recommendations list but think they may be interesting for donors to investigate further.

Animal Charity Evaluators: Recommended Charity Fund
Good Food Institute
Wild Animal Initiative

Best charities for reducing global catastrophic risks (2)

Pandemics. Rogue AI. Nuclear catastrophe. Some of these threats may be more likely than we imagine — and with the wrong dice roll, could endanger the future of not only everyone alive today, but everyone who could ever live. Despite the enormous scale of these threats, research and initiatives to prevent them are still relatively limited. While interventions in this area aren’t always as tractable as in other areas, the threats are so large that it could be incredibly impactful to fund projects that give us a better chance at preventing them.

The best giving options for reducing global catastrophic risks are funds that support promising projects to improve nuclear and biosecurity, prevent pandemics, and promote beneficial AI. (Because the field is developing so rapidly and the impact of interventions is harder to measure than in other areas, the expertise and context of specialised grantmakers are even more valuable when supporting this type of work.)

More options in global catastrophic risks

We don’t currently include these programmes on our recommendations list but think they may be interesting for donors to investigate further.

Founders Pledge: Global Catastrophic Risks Fund
Founders Pledge: Patient Philanthropy Fund
Nuclear Threat Initiative — Biosecurity programme
Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence (CHAI)

More impact with funds

A fund pools donations from many donors, which expert grantmakers then direct as effectively as possible — typically taking into account the current funding needs of high-impact charities working within the cause area the fund aims to support.

In other words, donating to a charitable fund is similar to using an actively managed investment fund instead of trying to pick individual stocks to invest in — but with charitable funds, you don’t typically pay a fee for the expertise you gain!

All Causes Bundle

Can’t decide? This bundle allows you to split your donation across all three of our GWWC-managed cause area funds.


Promising charities in other areas

We haven’t (yet) included areas like climate change or effective giving outreach/education on our recommendations list, but we think these areas (and the charities working in them) may be interesting for donors to investigate further.

Don’t see what you're looking for?

The recommendations above have been thoroughly researched and vetted as exceptional opportunities for impact. However, our donation platform also supports a number of other programmes that broadly align with our principles — in other words, they are addressing a pressing problem and taking a reasonably promising approach. We’ve highlighted a few of these that we think may be of particular interest to donors in each cause area (see why), but you can also see all of our supported programmes here.


About Giving What We Can

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Co-founded in 2009 by moral philosophers Toby Ord and William MacAskill, Giving What We Can is a global community of effective givers and a resource hub for people who want to help. We curate a carefully vetted list of charity recommendations, offer resources and guides so you can make a bigger difference on the problems you care about, and work to change the norms around charitable giving to inspire people to give more, and more effectively.

We believe the scale of global income inequality is so vast that most people living in high-income countries have significant power to affect the lives of others. (See where you stack up here.) To that end, we also help people support high-impact charitable programmes and projects via our donation platform and invite you to join the 3,265 people who have taken a giving pledge.


Donor advising

Donors who plan to make substantial donations can benefit from working with a philanthropic advisor. Please reach out to us and we’ll connect you with an appropriate person or organisation.


Recommendations FAQ

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We don’t charge fees.

Giving What We Can does not take any fees from donors who use our platform. We are independently funded to promote our mission of making giving effectively and significantly a cultural norm.

We don’t accept funding from the evaluators and programmes we recommend.

Giving What We Can does not take any fees from the charities and programmes listed on our platform. We are independently funded to promote our mission of making giving effectively and significantly a cultural norm.

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So that you can donate effectively and confidently. But you can support us directly if you appreciate our work.

How do I choose among these charities and funds?
How do you decide which charities to recommend?
Why is your list of recommendations so short?
Where can I find more donation options?
Why did you decide to more deeply investigate the third-party evaluators you use?
What are the Giving What We Can cause area funds?
Why don’t you recommend charities working on my favourite cause?
What’s the difference between your top-rated charities and a list like Charity Navigator’s?
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