Longtermism Fund Grant Recipients

This page comprises the full list of grants awarded by the Longtermism Fund

More information about each grant listed below can be found in our grant reports:

Organisation/ProjectFocus areaDateAmount (USD)
ARC EvalsPromoting beneficial artificial intelligenceAugust 2023$220,000
AI interpretability work at Harvard University led by Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda ViegasPromoting beneficial artificial intelligenceAugust 2023$110,000
Nuclear Threat Initiative’s Biosecurity Programme (NTI | Bio) (project to develop a research agenda for disincentivizing state biological weapons programmes)Improving biosecurity and pandemic preparednessAugust 2023$100,000
Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics (partially funding the salary of a Director of Research and Administration)Improving biosecurity and pandemic preparednessAugust 2023$80,000
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (project to better understand and advocate for policies that avoid escalation pathways to nuclear war) Improving nuclear securityAugust 2023$52,000
Center for Human-Compatible Artificial IntelligencePromoting beneficial artificial intelligenceDecember 2022$70,000
SecureBioImproving biosecurity and pandemic preparednessDecember 2022$60,000
Rethink Priorities' Existential Security Team (formerly the General Longtermism Team)Promoting, improving, and implementing key longtermist ideas December 2022$30,000
The Council on Strategic Risks' nuclear weapons policy workImproving nuclear securityDecember 2022$15,000